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Edit Requests

tnt wrote 3 years ago: 1

@MAT13 wrote:
Please merge these two actors:



According to official poster, this show...

...should be renamed to "The Ultimate Surfer".

however, for future reference, the most important is how the show is named in the text materials (press releases and such), not on the posters (where the name could be stylized or intentionally altered otherwise).

Irish316 wrote 3 years ago: 1

The special episodes that were added of Counting Cars: Cadillac Men and Corvette Kings are not season 9 special episodes of Counting Cars. They are episodes of a new special series of Counting Cars called Counting Cars: Under the Hood. Please remove these episodes and I will create them under this new series which I will create here shortly. Thanks.

TomSouthwell wrote 3 years ago: 1

@fli718 wrote:
Thanks for your help. To answer your question, I'm not sure how to upload pictures of actors (since I didn't want to break any guidelines). Thanks again for your time!

Hey @fli718 please make sure characters arent shared between people in the future, if two people are commentators they need individual character profiles. Thanks! 

JuanArango wrote 3 years ago: 1

@Irish316 wrote:
The special episodes that were added of Counting Cars: Cadillac Men and Corvette Kings are not season 9 special episodes of Counting Cars. They are episodes of a new special series of Counting Cars called Counting Cars: Under the Hood. Please remove these episodes and I will create them under this new series which I will create here shortly. Thanks.

done :)

MAT13 wrote 3 years ago: 1

@fli718 wrote:
Thanks for your help. To answer your question, I'm not sure how to upload pictures of actors (since I didn't want to break any guidelines). Thanks again for your time!

I actually uploaded it under the actor's portrait and not the show's character. When you upload actor photo under specific character, it appears under that actor's name (well, character he or she is portraying, since single actor can portray several different characters) within the show. If there is no photo representing the character the actor is playing, the photo uploaded under actor's profile page will be displayed, if there is any.

When you want to upload a screenshot, when you select the image you want to upload, after a few seconds you will see a small thumbnail representation of how it will be trimmed and displayed so you can adjust it before actual upload if necessary. Usually show photos are trimmed and displayed in widescreen format while character/actor photos are using portrait over landscape representation. The uploaded image will remain in its original size in the gallery section if you want to see it. Trimming is done automatically for display just to keep consistency between different image sizes that are uploaded for different characters.

Try it next time :)

JuanArango wrote 3 years ago: 2

@tallanvor wrote:
Somebody is screwing up Disenchantment, duplicating the Season two episodes as Season 3.

thx for catching this so quickly, I messaged the user and will revert the edits.

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