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British TV/General Discussion

solar wrote 8 days ago: 1

The really sorry thing is Ms. Rivett, the victim in all this, has been pushed to the side and is referred to as "the nanny" (I did it myself), when her unfortunate death is at the crux of it all. The story of Lord and Lady Lucan and their messy lives is what has driven this mystery all these years, not Ms. Rivett.

Your  so  right  Brit  ....  about  Sandra Rivett.  She was totally forgotten in  all  this  Lucan  mess . Her family even said so at the  1975  inquiry .  She had  2 children I believe.  One born in 1964 and the second born in 1967 .  Both  boys , the 1967 was  Neil  Berriman  (  can't explain where the name Berriman came from )  puts himself out  to the press  ,  not so much the first one , can't find anything on him.    Have a photo of  Neil at his mothers grave . 

Son of nanny killed by Lord Lucan wants to meet peer’s family with location evidence - Mirror Online

This article kinda makes me feel he likes the attention  from the press , likes the dramatics of it all.  However , I could be wrong.  

Still plugging away at  The Crown  ,  on  S5  now  ,  at the part where Princess  Diana  is collaborating  with   Andrew  Morton  about her now famous book.  Actress  who plays the older Diana in  S5  kinda grates on me ,  the ways she lowers her head and rolls her eyes up to look straight ahead .  They are a  tough  family to be married  into .  Enjoyed  the early seasons  over the latter ..  just pushing thru it now.    3/4  way thru DI Ray ...  not a bad  police  series , watchable , but nothing special about it.  Will watch  Professor  ' Oddball '  T   tonight  ,  looking forward to that .  

Edited  Note  :   This  Australian  '  find  '   turned out to be wrong  as  all the rest .  

BritMystery wrote 7 days ago: 1


This story gets murkier and murkier - it rivals fiction - if you didn't know that it actually happened who would believe it. So Sandra Rivett had a son (Neil) - who she put up for adoption when he was a baby - (I am going to assume because she was unmarried) and he only finds out ten years ago that she is his biological mother?! What else could possibly be left to find out about these people. 🙄 Unbelievable.

I read the comments and it seems people agree with you (as I do) - they don't think that Lord L. would have ever come to justice regarding Ms. Rivett's murder as the aristocratic clan would have closed ranks and money and power would have gotten him off - not necessarily his money, as he had none at the time, but his friends among the Aristo ranks. 

BritMystery wrote 7 days ago: 1



Spoilers....  Opening episode of S2, DI Ray.

This series is just depressing, there is no joy for anyone, anywhere, nor an ounce of comradery among the team (although we are seeing a slight improvement).  Ray is continuing to deal with racism everywhere she turns, and doubt from her superiors - and that doesn't seem to be improving even though they are trying to make an appearance of accepting her - "try to do it our way" (or something to that effect) is what she is being told. Kudos to her (HR) attorney - got a kick out of her, definitely on her game. 

I think if you are a fan of "Prime Suspect" with Helen Mirren, DI Ray would be right up your alley. I see similarities in the feel of the show, Jane was dealing with prejudices of her own and everything was a continual fight for her. 

The turf war is a decent storyline, but it seems from next week's teaser we are going to be moving in to the added situation of child trafficking - so we are going from overall depressing to outright evil. Child trafficking storylines are always the worst. They are really piling it on.

Sometimes series start out glum - look at "Endeavour", Bright was a right ass the first few seasons, but eventually that team became the heart of the series. And, nobody could be more glum than Piet of "Van Der Valk" fame - well, DI Ray may have him beat, but his investigation team pulls that series together, brings him in to the mix, and you get drawn in to it. 

For me, if you are going to do bleak and dark then let the masters do it, no one does it better than Scandinavian (Nordic) noir. When the Brits do it, it doesn't work for me. Never has. We all know my feelings on the first three seasons of KB's "Wallander" - one of the worst things the Brits ever produced. 

I started this season, and will continue on because I am now in it, but after this I am out. I'll let Ray, just as I did Tennison, continue on without me.

BritMystery wrote 6 days ago: 1


Deedee, the last episode of the latest season of "McDonald & Dodds" - the one about the weddings... was so good. I know it was a bit far fetched, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great to see Jason Hughes again. 

Certainly ended the season on a better note than it began - I rolled my eyes on that first episode (this coming from someone who loves the blues). With all the stories they could have picked, that is not one I would have chosen for a detective show based in Bath, UK. I felt it was stereotypical and crossed the line in to appropriation. I am sure most people who watch the series didn't see it that way, but that is how it came off to me.


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