Barry's secret identity is uncovered by Megan Lockhart, a private investigator employed by corrupt District Attorney Arthur Simonson, who blackmails Barry into becoming his secret accomplice in his efforts to bring legalized gambling into Central City on behalf of the organized crime.
By Gadfly on Dec 3, 2018
A fire is blazing in Central City at a waterfront property and Murphy and Bellows are among the police officers keeping the crowds back. Murphy wants to start a pool on Flash sightings even though he doesn't believe the vigilante exists. Fosnight and a friend, Sadie Grosso, are in the crowd and Sadie says that it's the third major fire in three weeks. Fosnight is picking pockets while Sadie talks about how her husband used to run hooch out of the building during Prohibition. A woman shoves by th…
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Hei, its that guy, Dick Miller! First time i have noticed him in a tv series, sseen him in a lot of movies though