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Buenos Aires

Jonah convinces Millie to join him on the hunt for Hitler and the duo brings The Hunters back together for one last mission – their most important hunt of all. After The Hunters land in South America, they are soon imperiled by a dangerous foe. In New York City, Meyer Offerman gets closer to unearthing the whereabouts of a former Nazi who threatens to destroy him.

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Episode Discussion

JCuervo_a posted 2 years ago

My thing is that f you want to make a series and place it here, or in any other country, JUST google a little bit. Is really easy.

As an Argentinean, the representation they made of my country is totally incorrect and disgusting. One of the worst I have ever seen. From every point of view. Visually the only thing they took from the country was a picture of the congress, then everything looked like Prague (!). And don't get me started with the historical data, just things Americans like to tell. 

Then, they go to search for one at "the biggest opera house in Buenos Aires". You'd think, well, they'll go to the Colón. Well, no. They grabbed any generic theater. Anyway, Argentina is the same as Guatemala or French Guyana for them. Huh.

JoEmme posted 2 years ago

The Sound Of Music?  ...I'm impressed by the script!

Somi posted 2 years ago

"One more run and none of us have to see, each others faces ever again."

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