With time running out to save the future, Picard takes matters into his own hands and seeks out an old friend for help. Meanwhile, Rios ends up on the wrong side of the law and Jurati makes a deal with the Borg Queen.
With time running out to save the future, Picard takes matters into his own hands and seeks out an old friend for help. Meanwhile, Rios ends up on the wrong side of the law and Jurati makes a deal with the Borg Queen.
Guest Cast

John de Lancie
as Q
Chloe Wepper
as GabiCast Appearances
Episode Discussion
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It was just a big ol nothing burger of an episode, jammed full of reminders of how shitty the world is right now, as if we needed a reminder.
The first 3 eps are great. This one is a stinker.
This was one of the better episodes of the series for me. If nothing else, I'm liking the Jurati/Borg Queen interactions.
so much virtue signaling, no time left for actual Star Trek.
strike one
Uhhhh, ok? Based on what?
That's hilarious. And farthest from the truth.
Trump troll
Hi, I completely disagree. Loved it.
This was the worst episode of the entire PICARD series so far. What a goddamn mess.