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Picard and Soji's escape via the Borg Trajector sends them to the planet Nepenthe, leaving Elnor and Hugh behind to face the wrath of Narissa, who proves she will stop at nothing to discover Soji's whereabouts. Picard helps Soji understand her origins, and seeks out old allies to help with their quest.

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Episode Discussion

Steve1264 posted 5 years ago

 a waste of an episode in my opinion. just an excuse to have Riker and Troi make an appearance. What exactly did they contribute to the story ?    

Myshows posted 5 years ago

So, Alison is a scientist and didn't even ask how Commodore Oh acquired information about the future. And just after a few images in her head decided to kill several persons. 

Damn, I liked Hugh.

Zlogorek posted 5 years ago

⠀— You're three years old, so I get to be the boss of you.  ⠀:)

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