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Chapter Thirty-Five: Brave New World
I've seen choppy finales before, but considering this show had long been renewed before the season was done, the pacing on this episode was unexcusable. Oddly structured resolutions, jumpy editing, tenuous direction... they would've been better served wrapping all the Serpents vs. Ghoulies plot on the last episode, and left this one for the Black Hood mystery. Instead, they sandwiched all of those threads then, and this episode felt devoid of steam by comparison.

Improvements for show tags
I for one noticed this update a few days ago, but didn't realize it was a new feature until now. I've been using both methods extensively throughout this week, but the sudden inability to edit from the Follows page is news to me.
As for the feature itself, it feels like a great way to mature the tagging function a bit. As I started to navigate my way around the new system, I noticed that I could tag any show regardless of follow status, which genuinely increases the value of tags across the whole site, in my opinion. On a similar note, a mild annoyance I had with the old system is that the page wouldn't recall my position or what ordering filter I set in between edits, defaulting back to the top of the list every time. Now, I don't follow that many shows, but having to either scroll down through an arbitrarily ordered list or constantly setting a filter setting that wouldn't stick made the whole experience feel like a drag when it came to doing multiple edits. Now I can just display the shows in any way I want—be it the shows tab, show status panel or watchlist—click on whatever show I want to edit, and head back right to where I was without having to lose my position or filtering customization. To me, this feels like a big win in the long run.

Chapter Thirty-One: A Night to Remember
Well, there's a lot of singing on the show anyways, so a musical episode was always going to be in the cards at some point. This isn't nearly as unwarranted or perplexing as the Flash-Supergirl crossover last year, for what it's worth.
Hmm.... The last Marvel series to get a theatrical release was the critical misfire of Inhumans, and this show is rumored to tap back into that IP. What a coincidence!