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jepafo's talk page


CainCrow posted 2 years ago

Thanks for the comments on my Obi reviews I appreciate it.  I'm sorry the lady got SOME racist Tweets, but no one is addressing that she is just not a good character and not a good actress. Race be damned. I swear if she tosses Obi around the way Vader did I will absolutely lose it.

jepafo posted 2 years ago

While I appreciate the thank you, you never have to thank me for support shown for well thought out and well spoken criticisms.

I am disgusted and frustrated by the bullies attempting to not only ruin a very well fleshed out story/universe; but also attempting to silence well, through bullying and intimidation, threats, and shadowy down-votes. If they don't like what you have to say they should speak well thought out, objective facts and/or articulated subjective opinions (and state that they are opinions); 

Keep on doing what you are doing. I will back you, not that my faceless shadowy voice will do much, but you will have my thumbs up and vocal support.

May the Force Be With You

CainCrow posted 2 years ago

"speak well thought out, objective facts and/or articulated subjective opinions", yeah, good luck with that! :-D   

Even anon voices make a person feel less alone and like the ENTIRE world hasn't gone crazy... yet. 

jepafo posted 2 years ago

"modern 'liquid courage' is perceived anonymity. "

true - even a lone voice in the darkness can be comforting.

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