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  • Registered since: May 11, 2016

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The RAMs Episode

The RAMs

@Quasarmodo wrote:
As a lifelong fan of the victim's announcing career, shouldn't Karadec have instantly known what he was referring to with "tiddlywinks"?

You would think so but it's one of those obscure expressions that people might not pay attention to.  But it would have ruined the story if he had known it too soon.

Dangerous Liaisons Episode

Dangerous Liaisons

S05Ep06 Red Letters = EDISON CYLINDER (A reference to Thomas Edison's early phonograph which recorded and played back sound on a wax cylinder)

The Rival Episode

The Rival

S05Ep01 - Red Letters = THE SEA COOK (correction) - ("The Sea Cook: A Story For Boys" was the original title for the book "Treasure Island" which played a part in this episode)

The Enchanted Mirror Episode

The Enchanted Mirror

S05Ep05 Red Letters = Michael Balfe (An Irish composer known for his operas including "The Bohemian Girl")

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