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MAD is an animated sketch-comedy series produced by Warner Bros. Animation and uses the iconic MAD magazine published by DC Comics as inspiration. The show utilizes a chaotic mix of animation styles and twisted humor to pull back the curtain and expose the truth behind movies, TV shows, games, pop culture and, of course, curtains! Classic MAD magazine characters and features such as Alfred E. Neuman and Spy vs. Spy pop up, and no subject matter or individual will be safe from MAD's barrage of parodies and sketches. In the end, viewers won't get even, they'll just get MAD!

Show Info

Network: United States Cartoon Network (2010 - 2013)
Schedule: Mondays at 20:30 (15 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type: Animation
Genres: Comedy
Episodes ordered: 25 episodes

5.3 (4 votes)

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Previous Episode

Alfred's Game / We Are X-Men

Episode 4x25; Dec 2, 2013

Earth's only hope is Alfred E. Neuman... so we're doomed! Then, a bunch of sad mutants get over their failed relationships. Plus, Spy vs. Spy, Candy and more.

Previous Episodes

Episode NameAirdateTrailer
4x25: Alfred's Game / We Are X-MenDec 2, 2013
4x24: Still Hungry Games / Agents of S.M.U.R.F.Nov 25, 2013
4x23: Dullverine / Under the DumbNov 18, 2013
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Extra Details

Also known as:
  • Louco (Brazil Brazil)
  • Псих (Russian Federation Russian Federation)
Celebrate 10 years with TVMaze premium.