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Як ми збираємо мільйони

The full-scale war that Russia launched against Ukraine has been going on for over a year now. However, Ukrainians continue to contribute to the army's needs, despite the financial difficulties that came with the war. Everyone understands that the war is on and that the army, which protects us from the enemy, needs help.
Today, creative fundraising for the army is developing especially fast and interesting: what Ukrainians can come up with to help our military! These fundraisers are driven by people working in the cultural and other creative fields. They use their skills and connections to raise funds for the army. 
In the How We Raise Millions project, we talk about creative ways to raise funds for the army.

Show Info

Web channel: YouTube (2023 - 2023)
Average Runtime: 38 minutes
Status: Ended
Language: Ukrainian
Show Type: Documentary
Genres: War

Official site:

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Also known as:
  • Як ми збираємо мільйони • Ukraїner
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