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D'argent et de sang - Episode Guide

Season 1


Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Oct 16, 2023


France, 2009. Simon Weynachter, director of the national judicial customs service, sets up a new investigation office to fight against financial delinquency. During a random search, Weynachter and his teams uncover a seemingly banal VAT scam involving two Tunisian crooks from the popular district of Belleville, Fitous and Bouli. They establish a connection with a mysterious trader from uptown, Jérôme Attias.


Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Oct 16, 2023


Fitous, Bouli and Attias are preparing a major scam on the new Overgreen market for the purchase and resale of carbon quotas. During his investigation, Simon is approached by a whistleblower who reveals to him the possibility of a gigantic fraud on this "rights to pollute" market, which is worth billions.

Numéro 26

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Oct 23, 2023

Numéro 26

Those close to Attias are worried to see him frequenting Fitous and Bouli; his wife and his billionaire father-in-law know him capable of all excesses, out of a taste for gambling or simple provocation. Simon knows that the carbon financial bomb is going to explode. But where ? Simon has no idea; no more than the place where her daughter Émilie is, gone on the roads with her boyfriend, a drug addict like her.


Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Oct 30, 2023


Fitous, Bouli and Attias moved into a house Tel Aviv to launch hostilities. Their scam quickly exceeds their expectations and the millions rain in in. To obtain information, Simon places Annabelle, Attias' wife, in custody, thus also putting pressure on his father. Simon finally manages to locate the trio in Israel.

Anton Zagury

Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: Nov 6, 2023

Anton Zagury

In Tel Aviv, Anton Zagury, a figure of banditry with whom Simon is in contact, agrees to act as an informant in exchange for a tax arrangement with the French authorities. Attias, Fitous and Bouli continue to rake in millions. Fraud risks quickly getting out of control. Simon returns to France to alert the authorities who turn a deaf ear. But in Tel Aviv, his informant came into contact with the crooks.

Shame on You

Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: Nov 13, 2023

Shame on You

Simon mounts an operation to arrest Fitous, Bouli and Jérôme Attias in Tel Aviv. But a blunder on the part of the French authorities compromised the intervention. From then on, Simon can only count on the testimony of Anton Zagury. But here again things get complicated with the French services.

Tout puissant

Episode: 1x07 | Airdate: Jan 22, 2024 (56 min)

Tout puissant

Released on bail, the carbon crooks set off on a world tour of casinos, spending lavishly and living lavishly off the money stolen from the French state. But this windfall soon attracts other, more powerful and, above all, more violent predators.

King Midas

Episode: 1x08 | Airdate: Jan 22, 2024 (47 min)

King Midas

After Bouli's murder, Simon wonders whether Attias is guilty; obsessed with the investigation, he keeps up the pressure on his suspect.

Business Angels

Episode: 1x09 | Airdate: Jan 29, 2024 (50 min)

Business Angels

Intoxicated by the danger, Jérôme Attias is now looking to join forces with some of Julia's Italian mob friends. Simon, for his part, watches her sink into excess. Once again questioned about their spending sprees, Fitoussi pulls off his usual trick. But he makes his first mistake.


Episode: 1x10 | Airdate: Feb 5, 2024 (48 min)


While Fitous is on the run, Attias is caught in a downward spiral. A cocaine addict and under pressure from Simon, who is more obsessed than ever with the investigation, Attias makes more and more mistakes. In his mad pursuit of money, he associates with drug dealers. But little by little, the noose is tightening.


Episode: 1x11 | Airdate: Feb 12, 2024 (49 min)

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