Animated series adventures based on the Soccer World Cup of 1982 with the official mascot has the main character, Naranjito. Naranjito was accompanied by his friends Clementine, Citronio and Imarchi the robot.
Show Info
Network: La 1
(1981 -
Schedule: Saturdays
(25 min)
Status: Ended
Language: Spanish
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 26 episodes
5.1 (7 votes)
Previous Episode
Episodio 26
Episode 1x26; May 29, 1982
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
1x26: Episodio 26 | May 29, 1982 | |
1x25: Episodio 25 | May 22, 1982 | |
1x24: Episodio 24 | May 15, 1982 |
Extra Details
Also known as:
- Onze pour une coupe ( France)
- Naranjito ( Italy)
- Football in Action