Ricki Lake is a daytime tabloid talk show hosted by American actress Ricki Lake. The series debuted in syndication on September 13, 1993 and ended first-run episodes on May 21, 2004, though the series continued in reruns through the summer until August 27, 2004. The show specialized in sensationalist topics involving invited guests and incorporated questions and comments from a studio audience. But unlike most of the counterparts of the day, her primary audience was aimed at teenagers, young adults, college students, and urban viewers (who described themselves as "Generation X") rather than the 25+ audience that advertisers were catering to, plus it was less sensational and tame compared to the other programs. It was taped at the Chelsea Studios in New York City.
Show Info
Network: Syndication
(1993 -
Schedule: Weekdays
(60 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Talk Show
(waiting for more votes)
Previous Episode
Season 12, Episode 73
Episode 12x73; May 26, 2004
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
12x73: Season 12, Episode 73 | May 26, 2004 | |
1x01: Pilot | Sep 13, 1993 |