This highly popular Channel 4 game show saw a team of six contestants (three male, three female) led around four time zones by the host Richard O'Brien, playing games and winning crystals as prizes. The Crystal Maze wasn't really a maze at all. It can be better described as: a circuit of four inter-connecting play areas or "time zones" with the crystal dome in the centre.
Show Info
Network: Channel 4
(1990 -
Schedule: Thursdays
(60 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Game Show
Episodes ordered: 13 episodes
6.7 (6 votes)
Previous Episode
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
6x13: Catherine Cork (23), Sarah Harvey (33), Ben Boggs (18) Martin Shor (40), Claire Hatcher (16), Jim Alexander (30) | Aug 10, 1995 | |
6x12: Wayne Robinson, Lucy Crompton, Dennis Eddie, Joanne Carter, Simon Bevin, Liz Jarvis | Aug 3, 1995 | |
6x11: Gina Warrender, Colin Storey, James Woodfield, Rachel Muddimer, Briony Lee, Alistair McLaren | Jul 27, 1995 |
Recent discussions
Intrigued to see Richard O'Brien, Mumsey and Ed Tudor Pole appear in the same episode
Sad to hear that this was the last ever episode of the show - it was a great to watch over the years
Ed Tudor Pole's first episode of the show. I liked him as well, but not as much as O'Brien.