Drama following the lives of an ordinary group of colleagues and friends as their seemingly small lies spiral out of control. JS Motors, a fictional car dealership located near Manchester, employs a number of 'ordinary' people, each with dark secrets. As each episode unravels, it becomes clear how quick lies can escalate with shocking consequences.
Show Info
Network: BBC One
(2015 -
Schedule: Tuesdays at 21:00
(60 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 6 episodes
Created by:
Danny Brocklehurst
Official site: www.bbc.co.uk
5.3 (4 votes)
Previous Episode
Episode 2x06; Nov 22, 2016
Drama following an ordinary group of colleagues and friends and the gradual unravelling of each individual's lies and secrets, which at times brings them closer together and, on occasion, leads to life-shattering consequences. Jenna's life is turned…