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Apollo Gauntlet

Apollo Gauntlet is a quarter-hour animated adventure comedy series set in a futuristic medieval society. The series centers around Paul Cassidy, an ordinary cop on Earth, but when the evil Dr. Benign transports him to another world, he becomes a new kind of hero. With the help of a magical suit and a set of talking gauntlets, he's able to fight crime exactly the way he wants... and he'll do it as APOLLO GAUNTLET!

Show Info

Network: United States Adult Swim (2016 - 2017)
Schedule: Sundays at 00:15 (15 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type: Animation
Genres: ComedyAdventureScience-Fiction
Episodes ordered: 6 episodes
Created by: Myles Langlois

Official site: www.adultswim.com

5.4 (7 votes)

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Previous Episode

Bellenus Blade

Episode 1x06; Aug 13, 2017

Apollo finally has the opportunity to return to Earth. But before leaving, he risks everything by visiting Daphne to convince her to follow her true destiny.

Previous Episodes

Episode NameAirdateTrailer
1x06: Bellenus BladeAug 13, 2017
1x05: DemonAug 6, 2017
1x04: Dinner PartyJul 30, 2017
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