The things he does for love! Welcome to the middle of Nowhere, Kansas. Population: one kind old lady, one crabby old man, one timid dog and all sorts of creepy creatures, scary monsters and crazed villains! It's a living nightmare for poor Courage, who faces these unthinkable dangers with his body shaking and his tail between his legs. But Courage loves his sweet Muriel and grumpy Eustace, so he digs deep to find the strength to save his beloved family from deadly weremoles, dark shadows and other sinister elements that pop up all over this terrifying town. With clever nods to classic horror films, this action-packed animated series keeps laughs and scares coming as Courage outwits evil with his singular brand of bravery.
Show Info
Schedule: Fridays at 04:00
(30 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 13 episodes
Created by:
John Dilworth
7.7 (27 votes)
Previous Episode
Remembrance of Courage Past/Perfect
Episode 4x13; Nov 22, 2002
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
4x13: Remembrance of Courage Past/Perfect | Nov 22, 2002 | |
4x12: Cabaret Courage/Wrath of the Librarian | Nov 15, 2002 | |
4x11: Courageous Cure/Ball of Revenge | Nov 8, 2002 |

Thea White
as MurielRecent discussions

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Also known as:
Bátor, a gyáva kutya (
Кураж, трусливый пес (
Russian Federation)