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Season 3 - Episode Guide


Episode 1

Episode: 3x01 | Airdate: Jun 12, 2017

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In Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, two-year-old Nicholas has been rushed in by ambulance because he is struggling to breathe. In Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital Day Surgery Unit, bed 32 is playing host to hospital employee Antony. He has come in to have a double hand operation after an accident last year. In the Maternity Unit at Romford's Queen's Hospital, 32-year-old Mehvish is ready to give birth to her second child. There were complications with the birth of her first child, and Mehvish and her husband are worried that the same could happen again. In Newcastle's A&E department, bed nine is ready to look after 73-year-old Sandra, who has been rushed in by ambulance after her speech became slurred. The doctors are worried that she might have had a stroke.

Episode 2

Episode: 3x02 | Airdate: Jun 13, 2017

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A&E bed nine at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle is about to meet 79-year-old Maria. She has had a bad fall at home and may have broken her nose. In Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital Day Surgery Unit, 63-year-old Eddy is coming in for his hernia operation. He's hoping the operation will change his life and enable him to be more active. Over in the Queen's Hospital in Romford, bed seven in the maternity unit has welcomed 36-year-old Tori, who is having a planned caesarean section. The birth of her first child was very traumatic and lasted for three days, so she is hoping this one will go more smoothly. At Newcastle's Great North Children's Hospital, eight-year-old Mason is being looked after. He has been in and out of hospital over the last four years with a condition that causes pressure on his brain. This time the illness has resulted in him having a seizure.

Episode 3

Episode: 3x03 | Airdate: Jun 14, 2017

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At the Maternity Unit in Romford's Queen's Hospital, bed seven has been joined by first-time mum-to-be Shola, who is 49 years old and expecting triplets. She is considered a high-risk pregnancy because of her age and because of it being a multiple birth. At Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 44-year-old Lisa is having a new battery fitted to her pacemaker. At Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, 65-year-old David has been rushed in with suspected sepsis. In the Great North's Children's Hospital, bed 27 is expecting a four-year-old who has recently been extremely ill. Parents Sarah and Mark have rushed young Thean to the emergency department with stomach pain. Less than a month ago he suffered a life-threatening bowel blockage, and they are worried that the same thing has happened again.

Episode 4

Episode: 3x04 | Airdate: Jun 15, 2017

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In the A&E Department at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, 63-year-old Howard has been rushed in with a head trauma having fallen off a ladder. He lost consciousness, and doctors are also worried that he may have broken his back. At Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Shirley has come in to have a stent put into her heart. She had the procedure done before over ten years ago but needs to have it again as she has been having chest pains. In the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle, two-year-old Mason has arrived. He has woken up with a swollen and very red face, and staff think it might be a serious infection called cellulitis. Twenty-nine-year-old Haylee has been in bed seven in Romford's Queen's Hospital Maternity Unit for 24 hours. Hayley is a week overdue and starting to feel impatient about the birth.

Episode 5

Episode: 3x05 | Airdate: Jun 16, 2017

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At Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 73-year-old Peter arrives for a biopsy because doctors are worried that his prostate cancer may have spread to his bladder. At the Great North's Children's Hospital, six-month-old Ehtesham has been rushed in by ambulance after his mum and grandparents noticed a serious rash all over his body. Over at the A&E Department in Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, 38-year-old Joanne has been rushed into hospital by ambulance having been involved in a car crash where she swerved to avoid a ladder that flew off the roof of a van in front of her. The assessment suites are all occupied, so paramedics transfer her to A&E bed nine in the corridor - doctors are worried that she may have seriously injured her back. Her dad was a passenger in the car and is being brought into A&E in a separate ambulance, and Joanne is concerned that he was thrown into the windscreen.

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