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Ice Cream, You Scream, We All Scream Recap

Brady is exercising in his mother's bedroom while her corpse decomposes on the bed.

Bill goes to the police station and meets with Peter. Peter tells him that they have nothing on Olivia's computer, and insists that they'll find Mr. Mercedes eventually. He says that he'll keep Bill next to the case, but warns him that he can't let Bill muck things up with his personal feelings. Bill says that Mr. Mercedes wants him and suggests that they let him come. Izzy comes over and says that Captain Brooke Hockney wants to see them. Before Peter goes, Bill asks him to keep an eye on Ida in case Mr. Mercedes goes after her.

Brady goes to his workshop and opens the FedEx package he received with the components.

Peter and Izzy tell Hockney that the bomber and Mr. Mercedes are the same person. She warns that a lot of people are concerned with the Gala coming up, and wonders if they have a retired cop and an alcoholic compromising the investigation. Peter insists that they don't, and leaves with Izzy when Hockney wonders what it says about them.

Bill drives home and sees Holly sitting on the steps. When he parks and goes over, Holly says that she came to return something and gives him back Allie's bulldog statue that she took. She says that it makes her feel safe, and Bill says that she can keep it because Allie doesn't have much use for it. Holly insists that it will have meaning for her eventually, but Bill tells her to take it for now and she does. He explains that Mr. Mercedes hasn't contacted him, and tells Holly that she has to go home. Holly shows Bill the store card of who serviced Olivia's computer,

At the store, Brady is in the back sorting components when Robi comes in and complains that Brady should be on the floor. He realizes that Brady is packing up stereo speakers and asks if he's up to something. Brady tells him that he was going to use them to set up a video-viewing station for the kids and increase store business, and Robi complains that Brady is going around him to go to Josh. He gives Brady three out-calls to deal with and walks out.

As Brady drives away, Bill arrives. Peter and Izzy also arrive and Peter tells Bill that they'll handle it. Bill insists on going in with them, and Peter finally agrees but warns him not to overstep. They go in and introduces themselves to Robi, and ask about Olivia. Robi says that they were out there a lot and she requested Brady a lot. He tells them that Brady will be back soon and wonders if he's in danger, and says that they're being there confirms a lot of his suspicions about Brady. Robi brings up Brady's contact information and shows them a picture of him. Bill realizes that Brady is the ice cream man, and tells Peter and Izzy that Brady is always in his neighborhood. They walk away and Bill tells the detectives that they have to search Brady's house now. Peter warns that they can't get a warrant, even with the neighbor Ken saying that someone broke into his car. Bill says that he's going to say hi to Deb and Peter calls for backup.

At home, Brady eats a sandwich and brushes away the gathering flies. He tells Deb's corpse that he's going to make his dent with his masterpiece, and they'll be reunited. The doorbell rings and Brady looks out the window but can't see the front door from his vantage point. Brady finally goes to the door and hears Bill calling for Deb. Officer Kent is with Bill, and warns that they can't knock down the door without exempting circumstances. Brady hides as Bill peers in the window,

As Bill peers in the parked ice cream truck, Ken comes over. He says that Brady is off working and that Deb is in Indiana. Bill asks if Brady has any close friends, and Ken remembers Deb talking about Lou. Holly calls Bill and tells him that she and Jerome found something and they should discuss it in person at Jerome's house. Bill and his backup drive off in different directions.

Later, Jerome shows Bill flyers they found on Brady's laptop about an upcoming job fair. Jerome figures that Brady will go after the same event again, and Holly says that she had a feeling that Brady will do it again. Bill is skeptical, and Holly says that Janey loved her and it might be the most important thing that Holly is involved with. The retired detectives tells them that the police are on it and they have to get on with their own futures, and Holly asks what he'll get on with. Bill doesn't have an answer for her and walks off.

Lou is working on a mural promoting the art center when Bill finds her based on Robi's information. He asks her about Brady, and says that he may have been involved in a homicide. Lou tells him that she doesn't know where Brady is, and insists that Brady wouldn't hurt a fly. He points out that Brady was involved with Olivia, and Lou says that Brady told her that Deb had angina and he freaked out. She says that Brady isn't a killer and excuses herself.

Later, Lou calls Brady but he ignores his phone and swats the flies off of Deb's corpse. Pieces of her skin stick to the fly swatter, and Brady stares at them for a moment.

Bill asks Ida if she saw the ice cream man near his house. He asks her to call him and the police if Ida sees Brady, and glances around at the people working in the neighborhood.

At the station, Peter asks Hockney if they can go in on exigent circumstances. She warns that they don’t' have solid information and tells him and Izzy to secure the warrant first.

That night, Robi returns home and finds Brady there. Brady asks why the police are looking for him, and Robi says that they wanted to know if Brady serviced Olivia's computer. The manager says that they didn't discuss anything else and that the police are intent on finding Brady. He figures that Brady sabotaged his laptop and asks what's going on, and asks if Brady is Mr. Mercedes. Brady hits him twice in the head with a hammer, killing him.

Bill is in his backyard feeding Fred when Holly comes up and tells him that the police have three unmarked cars watching the place. She says that Charlotte thinks that she's at the movies, and figures that Brady knows where she lives so it's not safe there. Holly wonders what explains Brady, and Bill figures that he's a black hole. Holly talks about how she suffers from stimming, and explains that Mike Sturdivant was a senior in high school when she was a freshman. Mike called her a freak and nicknamed her Jibber-Jibber. Holly finally broke with reality and Charlotte sent her to an institution, and at least Holly didn't have to go back to high school. She asks for a beer, and says that she's come to the conclusion that she doesn't like cruel people.

Peter calls and tells Bill that they have a warrant. He says that he's on his way, and tells Holly to stay in the house and lock the doors.

Brady showers, scrubbing himself off.

The police arrive at the Hartsfield house with a SWAT team. When Bill arrives, Peter tells him that they detected some motion inside. He refuses to let Bill go in with him, but Bill figures that he has nothing to lose and puts on a Kevlar vest.

Brady goes to the bedroom and uses a camera to record a statement. He says that when they write a book about him, tonight's chapter might be titled "Things That Go Bang in the Night". Brady then holds up Thing Two and activates it.

The ice cream truck outside the Hartsfield house honks its horn and the music starts playing. SWAT commander Fuller calls on whoever is inside to come out. When he gets no response, he has his men fire gas grenades into the truck. Four officers move in, and something moves in the front compartment. They open fire and then open the door, and find recorded laughter and a balloon with a happy face inside.

The officers break in and search the house. Peter and Bill go upstairs, while the SWAT team breaks into the basement. The computers come on and start counting down, and they find packets of C4. Fuller orders everyone out, just as Bill finds Deb's bedroom, the corpse on the bed with Robi's body next to it dressed like Brady, and the clown mask nearby. An electronic fuse goes off, and the bed is consumed in flames. Bill has no choice but to leave before he can confirm if the second body is Brady's or not.

The next day, the fire department secures the house and Peter figures that it was Brady. Bill points out that they barely got a look. Once the fire department gives the all clear, Bill and Peter go to the bedroom and looks at the remains of the two corpses. Peter says that it's over, but Bill isn't convinced.

Written by Gadfly on Oct 5, 2017

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