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Popular NITV shows

This Season's Shows

Family Rules
Family Rules

This up close and personal series gives an exclusive insight into modern Indigenous family life thro…

Over the Black Dot
Over the Black Dot

NITV premiers its newest league show, Over the Black Dot, which includes an all-Indigenous host line…

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Yokayi Footy

Championing young, diverse players and perspectives, an exciting new footy show on Wednesdays at  8p…

The Point
The Point

Co-hosts John Paul Janke and Rachel Hocking are joined by key Indigenous commentators and high-profi…

Karla Grant Presents
Karla Grant Presents

Karla Grant hosts this diverse collection of documentaries created by Indigenous filmmakers from aro…

The First Inventors
The First Inventors

Rob Collins and a team of First Nations investigators delve into 65,000 years of Aboriginal Australi…

Rebel with a Cause
Rebel with a Cause

This four-part documentary series hones in on the political dimension of the personal, showcasing th…

Little J & Big Cuz
Little J & Big Cuz

The adventures of five-year-old Little J, his cousin Big Cuz and his grandma Nanna as they explore I…

NITV News Update
NITV News Update

The latest news from the oldest living culture, Join Natalie Ahmat and the team of NITV journalists…

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Koori Knockout Live

It's on again! The Koori Knockout draw is back! Catch All the Key match ups from the biggest weekend…

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A showcase of Australia's most diverse and stunning landscapes, shot from the air and inspired by th…

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Dance Rites

DanceRites, Australia's national First Nations dance competition, returns bigger and better than eve…

Deadly Funny
Deadly Funny

Melbourne International Comedy Festival's Deadly Funny.

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