Celebrate 10 years with TVMaze premium.


When trainer Chris Powell chooses 28-year old Jami from Philadelphia, PA to go on a year-long weight loss journey, he finds that Jami is an emotional wreck. Adopted from Chile at just two years old, she struggles with self-esteem and tips the scales at 292 pounds. She works at a prestigious ballet school, surrounded by slender, athletic teens -- a constant reminder that, although she preaches smart choices and good health, she herself is not practicing those skills. In a first for Chris, he decides Jami should stop counting pounds and measure her own fitness accomplishments so she can focus on regaining her physical and emotional strength. Eventually, he offers to take her back to Chile to reunite with her birth mother and complete a milestone swimming/running challenge there in the world's largest pool. Also, Jami has a shocking secret to share with Chris -- he may have saved her a from suicide attempt.

Celebrate 10 years with TVMaze premium.

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Celebrate 10 years with TVMaze premium.