An extraterrestrial being named Michael Korvac seeks the Avengers' protection from "villains" who turn out to be the Guardians of the Galaxy. As the Avengers fight the Guardians to keep Korvac safe, they are unaware that they are protecting the wrong person.
An extraterrestrial being named Michael Korvac seeks the Avengers' protection from "villains" who turn out to be the Guardians of the Galaxy. As the Avengers fight the Guardians to keep Korvac safe, they are unaware that they are protecting the wrong person.
Guest Cast
Eric Loomis
voices Tony Stark / Iron ManChris Cox
voices Clint Barton / HawkeyeAlex Désert
voices Opening NarrationFred Tatasciore
voices The HulkJennifer Hale
voices Corrina WaltersTroy Baker
voices Michael KorvacEpisode Discussion
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