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The team investigates the death of an exotic animal veterinarian, uncovering a complicated love triangle in the process. Work interferes with Karadec's dating life, while Morgan follows a parental hunch about her teenage daughter and snoops on Ava.

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Episode Discussion

jepafo posted 4 months ago

@Mihalko wrote:
I really want to like this show but don't know how much more I can take. The writing in terms a character behavior is horrible. Has the writers ever met anyone with an extremely high I.Q.? No one with as high of I.Q. as Morgan would behave or do 80% of the things she does. Best example is the taking home of evidence to show her kid. Morgan is not only made up but a completely unbelievable person which makes this show so hard to watch. If she acted like a real person with a very high I.Q. but never went to school or completed high school I could really get into it. To compare to Monk, Monk's neurosis was believable because we've all met people that may not have been as extreme as Monk, we thought, "in a few years they will get there." 

It fails on both accounts: writing/acting and also fails to make me laugh.

mileso posted 5 months ago

@Mihalko wrote:
I really want to like this show but don't know how much more I can take. The writing in terms a character behavior is horrible. Has the writers ever met anyone with an extremely high I.Q.? No one with as high of I.Q. as Morgan would behave or do 80% of the things she does. Best example is the taking home of evidence to show her kid. Morgan is not only made up but a completely unbelievable person which makes this show so hard to watch. If she acted like a real person with a very high I.Q. but never went to school or completed high school I could really get into it. To compare to Monk, Monk's neurosis was believable because we've all met people that may not have been as extreme as Monk, we thought, "in a few years they will get there." 

You seem to have confused this comedy with a police procedural drama. The whole premise of this show is to make you laugh, not point out all the mistakes that were made. Monk wasn't overly smart by the way, he had OCD and a bunch of phobias. I have an IQ of 158 and often find myself doing things without permission because I get impatient. I never graduated from High School because I got bored with the banality of the teachers, the administration and the curricula. I'm enjoying the series because I know just how she feels.

Mihalko posted 5 months ago

I really want to like this show but don't know how much more I can take. The writing in terms a character behavior is horrible. Has the writers ever met anyone with an extremely high I.Q.? No one with as high of I.Q. as Morgan would behave or do 80% of the things she does. Best example is the taking home of evidence to show her kid. Morgan is not only made up but a completely unbelievable person which makes this show so hard to watch. If she acted like a real person with a very high I.Q. but never went to school or completed high school I could really get into it. To compare to Monk, Monk's neurosis was believable because we've all met people that may not have been as extreme as Monk, we thought, "in a few years they will get there." 

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