Mark, in an attempt to bond with his stepson Darren, insists on teaching him how to throw a handmade boomerang that was gifted to Darren by his father. The two soon find themselves on a trek deep into the Jersey woods in search of it, where they encounter the Jersey Devil himself. Meanwhile, David is the recipient of a sex doll that he swears he didn't order, and is put through the wringer trying to return it.
Guest Cast
Brandon Wardell
voices DarrenErik Griffin
voices Additional VoicesBruce Davison
voices Additional VoicesSungWon Cho
voices Additional VoicesJon Glaser
voices Mark The Jersey DevilTudi Roche
voices Additional VoicesCast Appearances
Adam Malamut
voices Mark HoagiesCraig Malamut
voices Hank HoagiesTalia Genevieve
voices TammyFred Armisen
voices DavidEpisode Discussion
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