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The Superpower Potion

Vultureman invents a Super Power Potion, which gives him incredible magical powers and strength, enabling him to mesmerize and defeat Tygra. Vultureman then makes a deal with Mumm-Ra that he will share the potion in exchange for Mumm-Ra's secret to everlasting life. Vultureman asserts his authority over the other Mutants, putting Slithe in a trance. He attacks and defeats Panthroas the latter searches for Tygra. Slithe recovers and commands theMutants to search for the potion. As they discover it, Mumm-Ra materializes and confiscates the vial. Meanwhile, Vultureman challenges Lion-O and is about to defeat him when his super powers wear off. Mumm-Ra appears and denies Vultureman's plea for another dose of super power. Lion-O destroys the potion and Vultureman slinks away defeated.

Celebrate 10 years with TVMaze premium.

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