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At her graduation from the country's top police Academy, Sabrina Sohal's world is upset by a shocking, inexplicable arrest.

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Episode Discussion

TheFringe posted a year ago

@appara wrote:
If I can get past the the inevitable inaccuracies, and can start to believe the 'reality' of these characters, this may well turn into an enjoyable series. But seriously- if you can't resist being on your personal cell phone, leave it in your locker and pay attention to the job your being paid to do!! 

CBC network, totally funded by the CrimeMinister of "Canada" ... Must I say more?

appara posted a year ago

If I can get past the the inevitable inaccuracies, and can start to believe the 'reality' of these characters, this may well turn into an enjoyable series. But seriously- if you can't resist being on your personal cell phone, leave it in your locker and pay attention to the job your being paid to do!! 

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