A mysterious figure appears during the night and steals the memories of the crew. In the morning, Robin is the only one who remembers the Straw Hats adventures together. Her attempts to keep the crew together fail as Nami and Zoro go separate ways.
Guest Cast
Chinami Nishimura
voices DrimKeiichi Sonobe
voices NokoCast Appearances
Mayumi Tanaka
voices Monkey D. LuffyKazuya Nakai
voices Roronoa ZoroAkemi Okamura
voices NamiKappei Yamaguchi
voices UsoppHiroaki Hirata
voices SanjiIkue Otani
voices Tony Tony ChopperYuriko Yamaguchi
voices Nico RobinEpisode Discussion
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Beginning of the Ocean's Dream Arc (Filler)