Izuku awakens in the vestige world of One For All, where he encounters all eight predecessors of One For All (with the second and third users facing away from him). The first user reveals that between One For All's increased growth in power and All For One's intervention, they are now freely able to communicate with each other and Izuku. The fourth user and the user of Danger Sense, Hikage Shinomori, introduces himself to Izuku, as they discuss with him about the true nature of One For All. He reveals that he died at the age of 40 due to "old age", after holding One For All for 18 years. Aware that All Might held the power for 40 years, they determine that One For All greatly diminishes the lifespan of those who already possess a Quirk, and because All Might was Quirkless, he was saved from this burden. Due to this revelation, they surmise that due to the increased power in the Quirk and the decreasing Quirkless population, Izuku may be the last wielder of One For All. Nana then confronts Izuku, asking if he is resolved to kill Shigaraki, stating that All For One intends to use his intense rage to overwhelm and finally steal One For All, which he has failed to do in the past. They are aware that Izuku felt like he needed saving, but warn him that he could be beyond saving and turn into an unstoppable monster. Izuku stands firm that he saw a little boy crying within Shigaraki during their encounter, and that All Might showed him One For All is a power meant to save not kill, so while he is resolved to do so if he has to, he wants to try and save him first. The users accept his hand as Nana breaks down in tears, apologizing for testing him. Back outside, Hawks and Best Jeanist confront All Might about One For All and realizing he can't keep the secret anymore, reveals everything to them. Several days later, Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist put on a press conference to address the public of Dabi's accusations, and their plan to turn U.A. into an evacuation facility to protect the civilians. At the same time, Izuku gives letters to all of his classmates, revealing the truth about One For All and All For One, and leaves the school.
Cast Appearances

Kenta Miyake
voices All Might
Daiki Yamashita
voices Izuku Midoriya
Ayane Sakura
voices Ochako Uraraka
Kaito Ishikawa
voices Tenya IidaEpisode Discussion
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