In Yokosuka, 1986, Ryo Hazuki, the only legitimate heir of the Hazuki Dojo, spends his days training under his strict father Iwao. One day, he returns and witnesses a mysterious man called Lan Di attacking the Dojo.
Guest Cast
Satoru Ito
voices Fuku-sanMayumi Karyou
voices Ine-sanYoshimitsu Shimoyama
voices ChaiJunichi Sugawara
voices YamagishiTakayuki Sugo
voices Iwao HazukiAyumi Mano
voices BoyToshihide Tsuchiya
voices LiuNatsumi Wakasa
voices Young RyoTaisuke Nakano
voices TeacherCast Appearances
Masaya Matsukaze
voices Ryo HazukiTakahiro Sakurai
voices Lan DiHaruka Terui
voices ShenhuaHaruka Fushimi
voices Nozomi HarasakiEpisode Discussion
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I can't believe this is happening. It's not the fact that this is good anime or anything that has me hyped, it's that it's Shemue :D