When the team triumphantly returns to Earth, despite being accused of destroying Vista Verde, they find the town under rule of a new general: General Abomination.
When the team triumphantly returns to Earth, despite being accused of destroying Vista Verde, they find the town under rule of a new general: General Abomination.
Guest Cast
James Arnold Taylor
voices The LeaderRobin Atkin Downes
voices AbominationStan Lee
voices Mayor StanFred Tatasciore
voices HerbBen Diskin
voices ComputerJames Arnold Taylor
voices P.A. VoiceEliza Dushku
voices Automated VoiceCast Appearances
Ben Diskin
voices SkaarClancy Brown
voices Red HulkEliza Dushku
voices She-HulkFred Tatasciore
voices HulkSeth Green
voices A-BombEpisode Discussion
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