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Sara goes on a killing spree, and Oliver realizes that when she was brought back, her soul didn't come back with her. As Sara stalks the person who killed her, Oliver turns to an old friend from Lian Yu for help: the sorcerer John Constantine.

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By Gadfly on Nov 5, 2015

A waitress takes the garbage to the dumpster in the alley, and two men attack try to attack her. Sara drops down and kills them, but then grabs the waitress and speaks in an unknown tongue. A police car pulls up and Sara runs off. Thea and Oliver meet with Alex Davis, Oliver's new political strategist that Walter recommended. Oliver wonders why he needs a political strategist, and Alex says that they need to look out for any skeletons that Oliver might have in his closet. Oliver is going to d…

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Episode Discussion

JuanArango posted 9 years ago

Best episode this season so far, loved to see Constantine back!

RobertaColeman posted 9 years ago

Still fighting to bring Constantine back!!

HaraldFauland posted 9 years ago

Constantine? Still don't like the Flashbacks ...

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