Finally reunited, Burnham and the U.S.S. Discovery crew journey to Earth, eager to learn what happened to the Federation in their absence.
Finally reunited, Burnham and the U.S.S. Discovery crew journey to Earth, eager to learn what happened to the Federation in their absence.
Guest Cast

Kenneth Welsh
voices Admiral Senna TalCast Appearances
Episode Discussion
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I keep thinking that this is what CBS should have done in season one. But then, there's no Light without Dark, so at least we have "returned to the Light Side." The Andorians and Orions seem to have adapted to a "shards of Dilithium" world; what happened to the Klingons and Romulans? "Take my Love, Take my Land, Take to where I cannot Stand..."
I kinda liked ti, not as much as first two episodes, but it gets really cheesy at points, every other sentence sounds like an inspirational quote.
You could say this is an episode about "feelings".