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The End

When the "Captain Trips" flu epidemic wipes out more than 99% of the population, the remaining few immune to the disease, including Stu Redman, Frannie Goldsmith, and Harold Lauder, set out in search of other survivors, all the while, experiencing visions of the nurturing Mother Abagail and the menacing figure of The Dark Man.

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Episode Discussion

h3rm35 posted 15 days ago

@cecja wrote:
I tried, but watching this during an actual pandemic is too eerie. 

I imagine a lot of the reviewers are at least partially coming from this perspective, whether they admit it or not.

h3rm35 posted 15 days ago

@drosso46561 wrote:
Just got around to watching this version of the stand, I hate that the very start of the 1st episode takes place later in the story and then they flash back to the beginning where Captain Tripp's hit the world. I will watch the whole thing to see how they did and treated the story but at this point, the original mini-series is and will be the definitive version to me.

No one's gotten it right except King. The next adaptation shouldn't be on network television, it belongs on a premium outlet/streaming service that isn't beholden to the whims of advertisers. It's not a "family friendly" book, why try to cram it into a format that demands such restrictions? SO MANY apocalyptic (and post apocalyptic) and King movies get it right, it's hard to understand why screen adaptations of this particular story are repeatedly awful.

drosso46561 posted a month ago

Just got around to watching this version of the stand, I hate that the very start of the 1st episode takes place later in the story and then they flash back to the beginning where Captain Tripp's hit the world. I will watch the whole thing to see how they did and treated the story but at this point, the original mini-series is and will be the definitive version to me.

mad_man1983 posted 4 years ago

@Dr.Acula wrote:
Why are people watching this, everyone should boycott this. Since AH is in this, unless you believe this lying cow.

I kinda agree with you, but i still want to watch show because of other stuff

Nivekolsen posted 4 years ago

@NeoRocket wrote:
I hope they wrap this up in the nine episodes. The Stand is a finite book. Not an ongoing story to milk forever as a franchise. They tried to do that with Under The Dome and in one season flat turned it into an utter mess. Even King himself hated that tv series.

It's a limited series; so I'm assuming this won't be renewed.

NeoRocket posted 4 years ago

I hope they wrap this up in the nine episodes. The Stand is a finite book. Not an ongoing story to milk forever as a franchise. They tried to do that with Under The Dome and in one season flat turned it into an utter mess. Even King himself hated that tv series.

CodyCavanaugh posted 4 years ago

@casper1701e wrote:
Looks like a lot if not all the actors are Trump haters...unfrakinbelievable.

As any sane person should and would. He sucks and he lost bigly. Sad! But not for America! FUCK TRUMP.

kockasti posted 4 years ago

Utterly disappointing.
(unrelated to politics)

Dr.Acula posted 4 years ago

Why are people watching this, everyone should boycott this. Since AH is in this, unless you believe this lying cow.

Myshows posted 4 years ago

@casper1701e wrote:
Looks like a lot if not all the actors are Trump haters...unfrakinbelievable.

How on earth do you know that? My God, that seems like a time-consuming activity with no useful application - to keep track of actors' political views.

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