Superman discovers Kara, the last survivor of a Kryptonian colony named Argo, who takes the identity of her first cousin and becomes Supergirl. Anxious to fight crime like Superman, Kara soon gets more than she asked for. She and Jimmy Olsen stumble upon a teenage Intergang operation, led by the sadistic Granny Goodness.
Guest Cast
David Kaufman
voices Jimmy OlsenShelley Fabares
voices Martha KentMike Farrell
voices Jonathan KentEdward Asner
voices Granny GoodnessDiane Michelle
voices LashinaScott Menville
voices TroubleJulia Kato
voices AmyAl Roker
voices WeathermanCarolyn Seymour
voices Kala In-ZeCast Appearances
Tim Daly
voices Superman / Clark KentDana Delany
voices Lois LaneNicholle Tom
voices Super GirlEpisode Discussion
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