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Koji the Killer

In the opening episode TV star Harley Carter returns to his hometown of Bishop, Ontario, after a public scandal in Los Angeles. His housekeeper of 30 years has been accused of murder and Harley demands to be included in the investigation. Along the way, he discovers that he has a knack for real detective work and may not return to LA so quickly after all.

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Episode Discussion

casper1701e posted 6 years ago

This is a much better (sorry Eddie) show than Take Two. The whole cast seems to just click. Bravo...(no pun intended).

SilverSurfer posted 6 years ago

I liked it. It wasn't an OMG this is the greatest show ever moment but it was a good show, good acting with a interesting enough twist/hook to help set it apart. I'll definitely be giving the second episode a look and hope they can continue to impress through out the run. Least people think I'm being a homer since it's set in Canada ... Canada or being Canadian doesn't really play a big part of the show ... it's just a show that happens to take place in Northern Ontario ... with a few tweaks this could easily be set in Minnesota and I think it would be just as enjoyable.

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