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Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2

Barry and Iris's wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. Oliver and the others square off against their counterparts from Earth-X and discover that they're counterparts of Oliver and Kara... and Reverse-Flash, from before his death.

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By Gadfly on Nov 28, 2017

Oliver and the others go to the pipeline cell to confront their prisoner. He unmasks to reveal that he's Tommy Merlyn, who died on their Earth four years ago. Oliver explains that Tommy is Thea's other brother and his best friend. He asks the others for a moment alone. In the S.T.A.R. Labs Cortex, the Legends explain about alternate timelines. However, they realize that Dark Arrow and the others are from a parallel earth. H.R. says that there's a fifty-third world, Earth-X. it doesn't have a…

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Episode Discussion

SilverSurfer posted 6 years ago

Part 2 of the massive four part Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash & Legends of Tomorrow crossover event. I very much enjoyed this part as well as the 4 episodes as a whole. I would very much love to see WB try an experiment with this Crisis on Earth-X, namely editing this into a single, stand alone movie. A little trimming here or there, addition of perhaps some deleted scenes or even a reshoot or two and then try it out in a limited release in theatres then off to Bluray/DVD. I think it would be a minor money maker but more importantly a great way to try to attract new fans to all four series. I assume the film side would not like the TV side encroaching in their territory but imagine the geek buzz over a movie with Supergirl, Green Arrow, The Flash, Kid Flash, The Atom, Vixen, Captain Cold, Killer Frost, Firestorm, Citizen Steel, et al.

JCuervo_a posted 7 years ago

Crisis on Earth-X >>>>> Justice League, haha.

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