T-Bag began life as a simple educational adventure serial teaching children about letters, but the strength of its central characters and its quest-genre concept made it an extremely popular series, leading to over ten years of enchanting children's adventure. Developed by Grant Cathro and Lee Pressman , the series dealt with a young girl challenging the dominion of the nefariously powerful witch T-Bag in several wondrous fairy-tale lands that blended both fact and fiction, collecting several items across many "lands" of the world they were inhabiting, when all the items are successfully retrieved, they form a weapon that either banishes T-Bag from the realm completely or restores the balance of power.
Show Info
Network: ITV1
(1985 -
Schedule: Wednesdays
(25 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 10 episodes
(waiting for more votes)
Previous Episode
Episode 9x10; Nov 17, 1993
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
9x10: Shangri-La | Nov 17, 1993 | |
9x09: The Red Shoes | Nov 10, 1993 | |
9x08: Bin Bag | Nov 3, 1993 |