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British TV/General Discussion

solar wrote 23 days ago: 1

In Maryland  as  to  ' mom ' ...   going off  to  Isle of Man for  8  years ,  finding  her  birth mother , getting her house after she died   ,  establishing a whole lot of friendships on the island .  To be not  having an  affair  leaves a lot of explaining to do as to why so secret.   .  That is ,  a lot of questions that will never be answered  now.   Suranne  Jones  is a co-creator of this series as well as one of the producers  .  She likes working  behind  the scenes ,  did the same in Scott & Bailey  .  

BritMystery wrote 20 days ago: 1


I watched the second episode of "Maryland" ... it was a highly emotional episode... the sisters are carrying a huge amount of baggage and although I understand their total confusion as to their mother's life, to me, it was all too drawn out - on and on we went with their respective personal issues, but we got very little answers regarding their mother's story. 

Yes, we now know she committed suicide, presumably because she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, yet nobody seemed to know anything regarding her state of mind at this point in her life. Her Isle of Man friends seem as confused by it all as her daughters are (and they knew about the diagnosis). 

I am starting to not buy that her husband was totally in the dark regarding his wife and all of this. He knew something - how much I don't know, but he is acting almost too detached about her death and it is not just grief that is going on here. I get the feeling that he doesn't want his family to know how much he actually knew.

Hopefully we get a fuller picture next episode.

I started watching "Guilt", but didn't get too far - will finish it tonight.

BritMystery wrote 18 days ago: 1


Caught up with "Guilt" ...oh boy, what a mess things are at the moment and only one more episode to go! I am starting to feel that things may not go as well for Max in his plan to get back on top as I had thought. Just the fact that his brother and mother from hell are commiserating over whiskey (and unfortunately plotting) gives me great pause. Wouldn't it be something if it was Jake who came out on top and wound up calling the shots. 


I just realized that there is only one more episode of "Maryland" as well to wrap that story up. They are really going to have to pack this last one with info if we are ever going to get some answers as to what was truly going on.

solar wrote 18 days ago: 1

Yeah  Brit......  you're  right about Guilt ...   a   mess indeed.  Max's  plan with  Teddy seems  gone  now with  the  Evil Drug  Queen  showing  Teddy the roof with  his father and a couple of thugs  on it ,  giving him the suggestion of how easy it is  to fall off  if he doesn't  do her bidding  and get rid of  Max.  Must say ,  my focus is off Max and him getting on top again  but on the Evil  Drug Queen    and seeing her get taken  down .  Don't know if it will happen  but  Sunday should  clear it up. 

As for Maryland  ,  suicides  leave unanswered  questions  , don't know if  we are gonna get any answers ,  just an acceptance  at  best . 

appara wrote 17 days ago: 1

I have been busy of late, so many things going on in the fringes of my life. I am going to watch Guilt as a marathon, there's usually a plot within a plot and my brain just into unwinding all those strings.

I did keep up with Maryland, and I admit I still don't like either of the daughters. I agree with Brit that her husband is more involved than has been shown so far. Did Cathy nudge her into taking the 'easy' way out? She seems a little too sugarysweet. How they are going to wrap this up? I have no idea! 

29th anniversary on Monday, (plus the 10 that we lived in sin, so maybe I should reward myself with a little extra tv time!!

BritMystery wrote 17 days ago: 1


Happy Anniversary to you and the Hubs! You certainly deserve extra TV time (and a delicious cake). An extra big piece! 

Yea, I find neither sister likeable. As we continue with the story I am losing any sympathy I initially had for them dealing with this situation. Not an easy one understandably, but their Mother's death (and other life) has become more about them individually than her loss.

I want some answers at this point... I am hoping that we get some of the strings of the Mother's life tied together, but realize Solar is right, we may never even get half the picture (much less the full one) given the circumstances of her death.


solar wrote 14 days ago: 1

Just the fact that his brother and mother from hell are commiserating over whiskey (and unfortunately plotting) gives me great pause. Wouldn't it be something if it was Jake who came out on top and wound up calling the shots. 

Ya  nailed it  Brit  ..  lol   ...   Max  left  standin'  with his mouth open  looking like he'd been hit by a train .   Maggie  Drug  Queen  being lead  away in  cuffs  and  Jake     walkin' out of  the grave yard a  rich  man  .   Assume  mum  will get some of that money as well .   Mums a tough old  bird ,  lookin' at the blood on the wall didn't bother her a bit .   Now,  Maryland  ,  need ta watch that again . 

deedee713 wrote 12 days ago: 1



solar, an interesting review on Den of Geek about the Mummy the Black Widow visiting Alec at his house. Conversely, we see Alec fishing peacefully in the water, thank goodness. Nice ending.

solar wrote 12 days ago: 1

 Den of Geek  ,  that's a new one  for  me  dee  ..  will have ta go to it regularly ta see what's goin' on. 

Don't know what ta think about the  finale of Maryland .  Didn't seem ta be much happening.  Old  ' pa '  went home in a huff because the girls  decided to respect their mothers wishes and be buried on the island.  The girls decided to work on their  ' new '  relationship  and the same questions remain unanswered  ..  suicides  do that .    What's   next  ?     lol   

appara wrote 11 days ago: 1

Soler, as soon as I read Max and Jake I knew I should stop reading - but I didn't!  I think I will make time this weekend to binge all the episodes of Guilt! 

We have been under a rain cloud for the past few weeks - not that I'm complaining. Our neighbors to the northwest in Fort McMurray were evacuated out of their homes again due to wildfire, quite a few of them ended up here, as hotels and campsites closer to their homes filled up. The evacuation order was lifted over the May long weekend, but with having no snow to speak of over this past winter, it's still really dry.....So bring on the rain!! 

For me, coming up on PBS is Grantchester, but not for a couple more weeks! Until then I have a few more episodes of Ms. Fisher modern mysteries to fill in some time. Still no start date for Moonflower.

deedee713 wrote 10 days ago: 1

solar, I'm an impatient type - I have to read the reviews and especially details about the finale of any show before I watch it! I know, silly sod, right?

I liked the finale of Maryland, and for me and Suranne, that's saying a lot!

Hi appara.....there is a new vicar in Grantchester, is there not? So a new vicar in Grantchester, and a new DI in DIP. At least the formulae are comforting, and won't annoy me. As I'm sure Miss Scarlet sans a Duke will. I'm holding out hope for Moonflower Murders, since Atticus Pünd is back.

solar wrote 10 days ago: 1

Yeah  dee  ...  reading  reviews is  not  a bad  strategy  ...  Ya know what's comin' and  how it fits the story .  Currently  watching  The Crown ( Netflix )  AGAIN  and  enjoying it  very much.  Yes ,  Atticus  Pund   ..  will  savor  that .  Happy   Memorial  Day   weekend  .

appara   ...  do  hope  your summer  is better than  last  year  as far as these wildfires go.  They just seem impossible to stop  once they get raging.  Will watch Grantchester  but have not become attached  to it like other shows ....  something about this  clergy / detective thing. 

appara wrote 8 days ago: 1

I've been watching (and reading The Paris Murders on PBS Walter Presents and it seems PBS have only gone as far as the finale of season 4!  They literally leave the profiler hanging at the end, but I know there are a few more seasons to come - I just hope that PBS has managed to get the rights and will continue. She is such an odd little thing, but I enjoy watching her. I don't do streaming, so fingers crossed!

We have had a few bad few summers of smoke - coming  up and over the mountains from west, blowing in from our eastern neighbor Saskatchewan, and down from the northern wilds of Alberta!  I think even some of our smoke was shared across into the states last year?

BritMystery wrote 8 days ago: 1


Appara, there are spoilers for "Guilt" below! 


Hello Everyone! 

My sister has been visiting with me so I'm going a thousand miles a minute these days. He health has regressed a bit over the winter so I have spent the last few weeks trying to build her back up and slowly I am seeing improvement. She's been too frail to get her out of the house as yet, but I think she will be strong and steady enough on her feet for a short shopping run soon. She so enjoys getting out to the store so I have been making it my goal to do that, but safely. I have been so enjoying having her with me!



I've been thinking of all of you and wanting to get back regarding our two finales. Deedee, I read that Den of Geek "Guilt" finale review and my first thought was I bet Deedee has read this. I come here and there you are posting it! 

It is such a comprehensive review (there are two reviews from DOG, a shorter synopsis and and through overview that explains the finale in relation to the happens of the first two seasons)  - it is very well done. 

Solar, from there I found who Mummy Dearest is, the Black Widow Sheila from the first season (which I didn't watch). A diabolical psychopathic, cut from the same cloth as, Maggie. I now know why Max was soo wary of her. She seemed so concerned about Jake I got the feeling the that she had some "motherly" connection to him in a bonding kind of way. Boy, was I wrong about that - she was using him to see what she could get out of him and thankfully he did not fall for it. She got absolutely nothing from them.

Everything fell in to place for him and he took the chance to get it all. But, he thought of Kenny and his niece (as well as her boyfriend) and shared - something Max would never do. 

Like you and Deedee, I thought the ending was great. Remember when Max told Jake he was going to take all the money he had hidden from the proceeds of the bar because Jake didn't need it as he had more in life (his then girlfriend) than he - well Jake turned the tables and did exactly what Max was going to do to him for the same reason - Max had a life in front of him with Erin and the baby; Jake took the money so he could start a life of his own. 

Bingo, it all worked out. Maggie off the streets, Kenny okay and with a stash of money to start again with Yvonne, the niece and bf able to restart their lives; and Teddy - well I am not so sure about him and where he goes - there was something said about witness protection, I think - but he also got redemption in the end. 

I too hope that Alec remains safe from the Black Widow - I am not too concerned, my gut tells me he would not fall for her trap, just as his son's didn't and he sent her packing. Touche, they all won in their own ways. 

BritMystery wrote 8 days ago: 1


I also felt good about the "Maryland" finale surprisingly. My take was the mother didn't want to burden anyone with her care and saw that her diagnosis would take away her freedom to live life on her own terms. Something which was paramount to her. I understood this, so I felt there was closure for her, although it left everyone else to live with the emotional baggage of her decision. So, upon thinking about it - she didn't really take the burden off of her loved ones.

That husband of hers was a piece of work - I get why he was upset, but it became obvious that he only viewed her life through his lens - the narcissism was in full view. I quite understand her building a life of her own away from him. In fact, I applaud it. The daughters will both move on with a better understanding of each other and (maybe) themselves.

Appara, I am also going to watch "Grantchester" - the new vicar is dishy - quite handsome, and as I never warmed to Will, I am looking forward to the change. We have a way to go until that airs. As usual, we will see if I make it through the entire season without bailing. Same as you Solar, something about the detective/clergy thing that doesn't hold my interest. Well, may be the new vicar will change that. 

The "Marlow Murder Club" is coming up in October.  I am hoping it is (almost) as entertaining as "Magpie Murders" was. That series will be hard to top - I am looking forward to the sequel "Moonflower" as you all are. 

Yes, Appara, we got quite a bit of the smoke from the wildfires from up your way last year. It was heavy for about three days or so, and lingered on for a time after that, then the smell remained in the air after the smoke dissipated. I wish you buckets of rain to make up for your lack of snow this winter.

Solar, having the availability to rewatch "The Crown" seems to make it well worth having your Netflix subscription! Like "Downton", full of drama and lots of seasons/episodes to watch.

Deedee, are you watching (or intending to watch) "After the Flood" on Prime?  I am two episodes in and I am intrigued. Will continue on. 

solar wrote 8 days ago: 1

Hey  Brit  ..  hope things go well with your sister , she's been thru a lot . DOG  is a new site for me , brought to my attention by  dee.  The Marlow Murder Club looks interesting with Samantha Bond leading the trio. Good view for the fall  (  late Oct. )  Wonder when  Moonflower  Murders  will air .  Understand filming has completed .  Not sure what is going on with  Anthony Horowitz    .. he is the author of both  Magpie and Moonflower  .  He is using all the same characters  (  same actors )  in both.  Why come up with the sequel  Moonflower Murders  and not just continue on with  Magpie  Murders , Season  Two .   I'm sure there's a logical  reason  ..  possibly something to do with taxes  .  Small point but a curious one ...  none the less I feel it's gonna be a real good watch .  lol    


solar wrote 5 days ago: 1

Just got the trailer for  Moonflower  Murders  from   Masterpiece  ...  gonna  be aired  September 15 th.  

BritMystery wrote 5 days ago: 1


Solar, I just saw that too! Perfect time, right after summer, then the "Marlow Murder Club" in October. Lots to look forward to in the fall.

intequa wrote 5 days ago: 1

Hi all

solar wrote 5 days ago: 1

Hi  intequa ..   how  are  ya .

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