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Killer games - hardly a word in the German gaming landscape is so charged, hardly a debate was so emotional. Anyone who hears the word killer games today thinks of "Counter Strike", of "Doom", but most likely also of: Erfurt, Winnenden - the scenes of school shootings that shook Germany in the early 2000s. The culprits were quickly found: so-called first-person shooters, in the tabloid style they were called killer games from then on. But there is so much more behind the story of these computer games - ZDFinfo tells it in a three-part documentary series.

Show Info

Network: Germany ZDFinfo (2016 - 2016)
Status: Ended
Language: German
Show Type: Documentary

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Episode NameAirdateTrailer
1x03: Virtual Reality und neuer StreitSep 21, 2016
1x02: Der Streit eskaliertMay 13, 2016
1x01: Der Streit beginntFeb 6, 2016
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