Robyn Hood follows Robyn Loxley, a young woman whose masked hip-hop band, The Hood, is known for their inventive videos and anti-authoritarian message. She lives in Sherwood Towers, a community of rental high-rises in a working-class corner of New Nottingham, where the cost of living has skyrocketed, leaving an ever-widening gap between the rich and everyone else.
When Robyn finds herself fighting for her home and her family against local property developer John Prince and The Sheriff of New Nottingham, Robyn and her band The Hood decide to fight back, righting the wrongs of the corrupt elite to give back to the people.
Show Info
Network: Global
(2023 -
Schedule: Wednesdays at 22:00
(60 min)
Status: To Be Determined
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 8 episodes
Created by:
Chris RobertsDirector X
Official site:
5.4 (7 votes)
Previous Episode
Episode 1x08; Nov 15, 2023
With Prince's purchase of Sherwood complete, the Sheriff gives Robyn and her friends mere hours to evacuate; instead, Robyn joins forces with Tressie, Jill and her neighbors to make a final stand against the Sheriff.