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The 1619 Project - Episode Guide

Season 1


Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Jan 26, 2023 (62 min)


Told through Pulitzer Prize-winning author Nikole Hannah-Jones' personal story, historical events and the modern fights for voting rights, "Democracy" explores Black America's centuries-long fight to democratize America.


Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Jan 26, 2023 (56 min)


"Race" examines the construct of race as a political invention created to justify the economic exploitation of African people during slavery and promote white supremacy, while tracing the impact that has had on Black women's bodies.


Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Feb 2, 2023 (61 min)


From Motown's wide popularity to funk's rebellious independence to today's genre-breaking musicians, "Music" celebrates the "uncapturable spirit" of Black music and maintains that Black music IS American Music.


Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Feb 2, 2023 (61 min)


Nikole Hannah-Jones' family and current labor battles are the lens for "Capitalism", which explores how slavery formed the bedrock of American capitalism and how this foundation of brutality continues today.


Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: Feb 9, 2023 (57 min)


A family's tragic loss. A dramatic day in the life of a protestor. "Fear" explores how modern policing, surveillance and the criminalization of Black Americans draw roots from the slavery era fear of Black rebellion.


Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: Feb 9, 2023 (63 min)


Through Nikole Hannah-Jones' family story and one Georgia community fighting for restitution, "Justice" examines the historical events that denied Black Americans the opportunity to build generational wealth.

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