Wicked City follows five urban witches who push their supernatural powers to new heights after uncovering dark secrets and accidentally entering the world of the forbidden. While living their best life in Atlanta, four young, chic, modern-day witches, Jordan Davis, Mona De La Cruz, Angela Harris, and Sherise Baker make the acquaintance of Camille, a naturally powerful witch who is oblivious to her gift. Reluctantly, Camille joins the women for a spell, but things take a menacing turn resulting in an accidental death. The witches quickly perform a forbidden resurrection spell, however it is too late, as a dark sinister being is brought back from the other side. Now, between their complicated personal lives, unearthed secrets of the past, and attempting to defeat a powerful wraith, this coven is in for the most dangerous ride of their lives.
Show Info
Web channel: ALLBLK
(2022 -
Schedule: Thursdays
(~ 42 min)
Status: To Be Determined
Show Type:
Created by:
Serena M. LeeKristin Iris Johnson
Official site: allblk.tv
2.3 (27 votes)
Previous Episode
No Matter the Cost
Episode 3x07; Nov 28, 2024
Jordan and Javi work to decipher the relic to stop Amaiah; Sherise doubts her capabilities while Daletra and Angela share a moment ahead of the battle; the coven and allies go to war against Amaiah with the fate of the world in their hands.
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
3x07: No Matter the Cost | Nov 28, 2024 | |
3x06: Genesis | Nov 21, 2024 | |
3x05: I Don't Love Monsters | Nov 14, 2024 |
Recent discussions
S3 was good. The show has come on really well and improved greatly. Hoping for S4.
This first episode was truly awful but I decided to stick with it and I'm glad I did. When I found the show, S1 had already dropped, so I began watching live fromS2. It gets progressively better and now I am hoping it gets renewed for S3.