Biography is a documentary television series. Originally produced by CBS in 1962 and hosted by Mike Wallace, the A&E Network later re-ran it and has produced new episodes since 1987. The series has featured biographies on such people as Elvis Presley, Plácido Domingo, Pope John Paul II, Enrico Caruso, Diego Rivera, Mick Foley, Mao Zedong, and Queen Elizabeth II, and fictional characters like The Phantom, Superman, and Santa Claus. The program ended up profiling enough figures, that in 1999 A&E spun the program off into an entire network, The Biography Channel.
Show Info
Network: A&E
(1961 -
Schedule: Sundays at 20:00
(120 min)
Status: Running
Show Type:
(waiting for more votes)
Previous Episode
Who is Donald Trump?
Episode 2015-12-16; Dec 16, 2015
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
2015-12-16: Who is Donald Trump? | Dec 16, 2015 | |
2014-04-02: Sarah Palin | Apr 2, 2014 | |
2013-02-26: Grimaldi Family Dynasty | Feb 26, 2013 |