Based on the eponymous comic book, Invincible revolves around Mark Grayson, a normal teenager except for the fact that his father is the most powerful superhero on the planet. Shortly after his 17th birthday, Mark begins to develop powers of his own and enters into his father's tutelage.
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8 (131 votes)
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Episode 1
Episode 3x01; Feb 6, 2025
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
2x08: I Thought You Were Stronger | Apr 4, 2024 | |
2x07: I'm Not Going Anywhere | Mar 28, 2024 | |
2x06: It's Not That Simple | Mar 21, 2024 |
Sandra Oh
voices Debbie GraysonRecent discussions
That husband was such a sexist dick. Debbie's coworker should have stepped up to him. Why would you let that go, realtor or not.
I read the comic books years ago and while the images even then were bloody, in translating the story to the show they have really upped the blood and gore to satiate the typical growing obsession with graphic violent depictions in American television. Unfortunately, it has become painfully obvious that the show relies heavily on this blood and guts in each episode in order to increase and maintain its fan base. All one has to do is read the reviews online and the only thing the show's fans talk about is the blood and guts. Is that what really captivates people these days for entertainment?
Don't get me wrong, I'll keep watching because I loved the comic and still find enjoyment in the show, especially seeing the plot differences, but at this point the blood and guts seem like a cheap tactic and shows weakness in the writing.
I feel as though I have just awoken from a nightmare. 2020 was filled with anti-male bile with men being put down at every opportunity by 'entertainment'. I thought all hope was lost until I watched this. Only 2% woke!! So almost like 'normal' entertainment from years gone by. A real engrossing story about coming of age and learning to adapt, dare I say the hollywood hated 'Hero's Journey'? This is worth a watch and many re-watches. I hope that other creatives take note and use this formula in future projects, that way we can all just get back enjoying stuff without being preached at and insulted. Well done Amazon... please don't go off the rails.
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- 无敌少侠 ( China)
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- Непобедимый / Неуязвимый ( Russian Federation)
‘Invincible’ Renewed for Season 4 at Prime Video
"Invincible" Season Two Part Two is Finally Here! Prime Video Unveils New Premiere Date
Amazon Studios renews Robert Kirkman's "Invincible" for two more seasons