Everyone has heard of the genius with a computer for a brain. In the case of Ed Bellamy, it's the truth. A secret government project put microchips in babies' brains, and they all grew up to be geniuses. Only problem is, the chips start to break down, causing intense dreams which slowly drive them mad. None of the kids survives past their 21st birthday. Unfortunately, Ed finds out about it on his 20th birthday. Agent Winston, assigned to bury the project, frames Ed for murder. Maria, whom he met at the party, is a witness. Together, they set off to clear their names, find a cure, help other cyborgs, stay out of jail and stay alive, all while trying to beat the biological clock that will make Ed Dead at 21.
Show Info
Schedule: Wednesdays at 22:00
(30 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 13 episodes
(waiting for more votes)
Previous Episode
In Through the Out Door (2)
Episode 1x13; Sep 7, 1994
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
1x13: In Through the Out Door (2) | Sep 7, 1994 | |
1x12: In Through the Out Door (1) | Aug 31, 1994 | |
1x11: Hotel California | Aug 24, 1994 |