Richard Diamond, Private Eye was a crime drama series that started its life on radio from 1949-1953 and then aired on television from 1957-1960 with a new cast.
Richard Diamond is a former officer of the NYPD, who is now a private detective.
Richard Diamond, Private Eye was a crime drama series that started its life on radio from 1949-1953 and then aired on television from 1957-1960 with a new cast.
Richard Diamond is a former officer of the NYPD, who is now a private detective.
(waiting for more votes)
A man is concerned about his daughter who he feels has been spending too much time brooding over her husband's death.
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
4x25: Running Scared | Sep 6, 1960 | |
4x24: East of Danger | Aug 30, 1960 | |
4x23: Accent on Murder | Aug 23, 1960 |
Gotta love David Janssen