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Lost Girl

Lost Girl follows supernatural seductress Bo, a Succubus who feeds on the sexual energy of humans. Growing up with human parents, Bo had no reason to believe she was anything other than the girl next door — until she drained her boyfriend to death in their first sexual encounter. Now she has hit the road alone and afraid.
She discovers she is one of the Fae, creatures of legend and folklore, who pass as humans while feeding off them secretly and in different ways, as they have for millennia. Relieved yet horrified to find out that she is not alone, Bo decides to take the middle path between the humans and the Fae while embarking on a personal mission to unlock the secrets of her origin.

With the help of her human sidekick, Kenzi, and Dyson, a sexy police detective, Bo takes on a challenge every week helping a Fae or human client who comes to her to solve a mystery, or to right a wrong.

Show Info

Network: Canada Showcase (2010 - 2015)
Schedule: Sundays at 22:00 (60 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type: Scripted
Genres: DramaFantasyHorror
Episodes ordered: 16 episodes
Created by: Michelle Lovretta

Official site:

8 (122 votes)

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Previous Episode


Episode 5x16; Oct 25, 2015

Bo and her allies face off against the ultimate threat.

Previous Episodes

Episode NameAirdateTrailer
5x16: RiseOct 25, 2015
5x15: Let Them BurnOct 18, 2015
5x14: Follow the Yellow Trick RoadOct 11, 2015
View full episode list »


Recent discussions

kolt343 posted 6 years ago

Soo sad it ended ;(

JuanArango posted 9 years ago

The first three seasons were surprisingly good, then it went downhill a bit, but the finale was nice again. Goodbye Bo and Kenzi :)

Extra Details

Also known as:
  • Elveszett lány (Hungary Hungary)
  • Renegata (Romania Romania)
  • Зов крови (Russian Federation Russian Federation)
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