Luffy, who does not realize the town is full of bounty hunters, engages in a battle with Zoro after he discovers that Zoro attacked the townsfolk, while Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine head for Princess Vivi.
Guest Cast
Misa Watanabe
voices Nefertari ViviHiroaki Hirata
voices KarooKeiichi Sonobe
voices IgaramMasaya Takatsuka
voices Mr. 5Fumiko Orikasa
voices Miss ValentineYasuhiro Takato
voices Mr. 9Makiko Ohmoto
voices Miss MondayCast Appearances
Mayumi Tanaka
voices Monkey D. LuffyKazuya Nakai
voices Roronoa ZoroAkemi Okamura
voices NamiEpisode Discussion
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