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The Power of the Doctor

In this feature-length Special to mark her last adventure, Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor must fight for her very existence, against her deadliest enemies: the Daleks, the Cybermen and her arch-nemesis, the Master.

Who is attacking a speeding bullet train on the edges of a distant galaxy? Why are seismologists going missing from 21st century Earth? Who is defacing some of history's most iconic paintings? Why is a Dalek trying to make contact with the Doctor? And just what hold does the mesmeric Rasputin have over Tsar Nicholas in 1916 Russia?

The Doctor faces multiple threats...and a battle to the death.

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Episode Discussion

kyrat posted a year ago

over-reliance on the CGI, but excellent cameos.

drosso46561 posted 2 years ago

I really liked this episode, the story was well written and if this type of writing had been utilized throughout Jodie's run, I think the stories would have been a lot better. I agree with the overuse of the Master. I really dislike this psychotic insane version of the Master. The Master should be used sparingly, and also The Master would be a good way to occasionally introduce Timelord history factoids. This incarnation of the Master has been overused just as Ainley's Master was overused during Peter Davidsons run as the 5th Doctor. I liked Roger Delgado's Master and Anthony Ainley's Master, Missy was ok as well. During Jon Pertwee's 3rd Doctors run, having a lot of the Master made sense as a protagonist as the Doctor was trapped on Earth by the Timelords removal of his knowedge of Tardis operations.

drosso46561 posted 2 years ago

I thought the story was well written, but I dislike the psychotic insane master as well. I always liked Roger Delgado and Anthony Ainley's Master, Missy's was ok but this one needs to be retired. Don't mind the master as a occasional protagonist but as with Peter Davidson's run as the Doctor, the Master was over used by the show-runner. There were and are plenty of other villains even without using the Weeping Angels again. The Master as a protagonist made sense during Jon Pertwee's run as the Doctor since he was imprisoned on Earth by the Timelords and his knowledge of tardis operation removed from him.

mike1616 posted 2 years ago


Will some one kill the prick that keeps bringing back the Master.

Just how many time can you be completely obliterated and then come back ?

The answer, 0 times.

Please, OH PLEASE, just let the Master die once and for ever.

bebop-cola posted 2 years ago

This was a great sendoff for Jodie. It sucks that she was held back by bad writing for so long but this was actually pretty damn good. Now RTD is back and we get 3 specials with Tennant and Tate returning! Then the new kid starts. And Tennant is the 14th Doctor, not the 10th returned. So he'll have a different personality and that's exciting. Sadly, none of it begins for another entire year.

jepafo posted 2 years ago

well there is hope:

David Tennet

jepafo posted 2 years ago

@jepafo wrote:
well, how can they further destroy The Doctor?

Faster this gets here, the sooner this bad error can be forgotten (erased / retconned) in the long storied history of The Doctor. 

Writer: Chris Chibnall
Director: Jamie Magnus Stone

this ^^^ bodes extremely bad for this episode.

jepafo posted 2 years ago

well, how can they further destroy The Doctor?

Faster this gets here, the sooner this bad error can be forgotten (erased / retconned) in the long storied history of The Doctor. 

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